We are glad about a new client

On behalf of ZORROZUA agency from Bilbao / Spain we have implemented a fair participation for the Basque Automobile Association [ACICAE] for the first time. The association presented itself with 20 members at the International Suppliers Fair [IZB] in Wolfsburg [October 15 till 17, 2014].
We thank for the cooperation and say “hasta pronto”!

ATLAS at IAA Commercial Vehicles – visible from afar

Again we have implemented the fair participation of ATLAS Maschinen GmbH, one of the leading producers in the field of crane technology, on the occasion of IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hannover [September 25 till October 02, 2014]. Visible over a long distance, ATLAS presented itself with 500,0 m² in the outdoor area.
We hope the fair has been successful and thank for the anew cooperation.

